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News Archive September 2007

Association of American Geographers 2008: CALL FOR PAPERS
The Med is the Net: Representing and Remaking Mediterranean Geographies

These sessions explore the dynamic geographies of the Mediterranean, its diverse spaces and imaginaries and the forces transforming them. Taking a thematically and geographically relational approach to the Mediterranean - in line with the slogan of the Balearic Shoe company Camper: "La Med es la Red" or "The Med is the Net (or Network)" - we seek papers that engage the ongoing representation and remaking of Mediterranean livelihoods, imaginaries, and spaces. We are particularly interested in the dynamic, dialectical construction of the Mediterranean as space and idea, landscape and discourse, wherever that process be found. We welcome a wide range of topical foci and methodological approaches, and hope session papers look beyond Europe to the entire region. In sum, the sessions ask these questions. In what sense is the Med the Net? In what ways are disparate spatial processes and discourses articulated to organize and make meaning of the Mediterranean?

For consideration please submit queries or abstracts to David Prytherch, Department of Geography, Miami University at no later than October 15, 2007.


David L. Prytherch
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
The Miami University
216 Shideler Hall
Oxford, OH, U.S.A. 45056
Phone: (513) 529-9284
Fax: (513) 529-1948

Conference on Conceptualising Balkan Space, University of Birmingham, September 28.

The conference will take place at the Janet Baker Room, on the 3rd floor of the Staff House"

Those who are interested in participating are kindly requested to get in touch with the organiser:

Dr Dimiter G Angelov, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT

tel: (0121) 414 3731

fax: (0121) 414 3595


Conceptualising Balkan Space: Late Medieval & Early Modern Approaches & Interpretations

September 28, Friday
11:00: Biscuits, Coffee & Tea

11:20: Opening

11:25: Introduction: Framing the Medieval & Early Modern Balkans

1. Empires and identity

11:30-12:10: 'Shifting centres, the Tree of Jesse and rival attractions: dynamics of
power and wealth in southeast Europe after 1204'
Jonathan Shepard (Oxford)

Discussion (moderator: Ruth Macrides)

12:10-12:50: 'Ottoman views of the Balkan peninsula and its peoples'
Dimitris Kastritsis (St Andrews)

Discussion (moderator: Rhoads Murphey)


2. Travellers and identity

2:40-3:20: 'Representations of self and other in early modern travel writing'
Wendy Bracewell (UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies)

Discussion (moderator: Graeme Murdock)

3. Historiography and identity

3:20-4:00: 'What is Balkan history? Observations on recent work'
Alex Drace-Francis (Liverpool)

Discussion (moderator: Dimiter Angelov)

4:00-4:20: Coffee & Tea

Orientalism, Balkanism and identity

Closing discussion

4:20-5:00: Responses to Kate Fleming, 'Orientalism, the Balkans and Balkan Historiography' and Maria Todorova, 'The Balkans as Category of Analysis: Border, Space, Time'
Discussants: Rhoads Murphey (Ottoman history), Elaine Fulton (Habsburg history), Tim Haughton (modern Eastern Europe)


2 PhD scholarships in Social Anthropology, University of Manchester (UK)

September 2008 - August 2011 (three-year scholarships)

Under the umbrella of the research project "Transforming Borders: a Comparative Anthropology of Post-Yugoslav Home", co-ordinated by Stef Jansen, the two doctoral studies will investigate home-making at Bosnian borders. Each study will involve a one-year period of ethnographic research in a small town in

Bosnia-Herzegovina: one on the border with Croatia, and one on the border with Serbia (precise locations to be negotiated). Within the parameters of the wider project, the PhD researchers will have considerable room for manoeuvre to develop their research along their own interest.

GBP 15,468 per year for 3 years (funded by the Leverhulme Trust)

Initial applications by 21 January 2008


Please first read all the information provided on the website. After that, you may contact Stef Jansen by email for clarification or for discussion of your research ideas.

Fourth round of MiReKoc Call for Research Proposals on Turkey-related migration issues. The Migration Research Program at Koç University (MiReKoc, is a jointly initiated grant-giving program by Koç University (Istanbul) and Foundation for Population, Migration and Environment (Zurich) and invites researchers working on Turkey and migration issues to present their research proposals to the MiReKoc Administration. The Program holds its fourth call for research proposals and calls researchers and scholars to send their research proposals to the MiReKoc Administration until October 22, 2007.

urther information about the application procedure to MiReKoc Call for Proposals is on the attached files and on the MiReKoc website.


MiReKoc (Migration Research Program at Koç University)


Tel: +90 212 338 1635

Fax: +90 212 338 1642



Ekte  Koç Üniversitesi Göç Araştırmaları Programı’nın (MiReKoc, Türkiye ve göç konularında gerçekleştirilecek araştırmaları desteklemek amacıyla dördüncüsü düzenlenen “Araştırma Önerileri İçin Duyurusu”nu içeren dosyaları bulabilirsiniz. Bildiğiniz gibi Koç Üniversitesi (Istanbul) ve  İsviçre kökenli Nüfus Göç ve Çevre Vakfı’nın (Zürih) katkılarıyla kurulan Koç Üniversitesi Göç Araştırmaları Programı (MiReKoc), Türkiye ile ilgili göç çalışmaları yapan tüm araştırmacıları araştırma önerileri yapmaya davet etmektedir.

Araştırmacılar, önerilerini  en geç 22 Ekim 2007 tarihine kadar programımıza gönderebilirler. MiReKoc araştırma önerilerinin nasıl yapılacağına dair bilgileri ilişikteki dosyalarda ya da MiReKoc web sayfasında bulabilirsiniz.


MiReKoc (Koç Üniversitesi Göç Araştırmaları Programı)

İdari Koordinatör

Tel: +90 212 338 1635

Faks: +90 212 338 1642




Welcome and Buffet lunch at 1PM in The Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University

SEMINAR to be held in A40 County South - cost £15.00

To register please email Pennie Drinkall ( and send cheque or pay by card on the day.

1 30 welcome/introduction to the main issues from John Urry, Director of CEMORE, Lancaster University

1 45 Greg Noble, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney: 'Moored in Mobility: The ontology of automotive comfort'

The promise of comfort is a key feature of consumer discourses around cars, although it is rarely given the status of the conventional marketing themes of style, performance and taste. Drawing on an analysis of car advertisements and on research into the relationships between young people and driving, this paper will explore the ontology of automotive comfort. Cars are not simply about power, freedom or status, but their condition of possibility in an increasingly risky world. In so far as comfort signifies familiarity and security, it points to something more than physical ease; indeed, it bundles together a range of existential and social possibilities. Consumer discourses around automotive comfort offer a kind of mooring in mobility: a constancy of environment, agency and sociality. These promises are not about a withdrawal from risky existence: being comfortable is also the basis of an engagement with the world, or the safety to take risks. Young people echo these possibilities as they fashion an ability to move across social and geographical spaces, forming mobility capital and a disposition to movement necessary in contemporary societies.

3 00 tea coffee

3 15 Kingsley Dennis, CeMoRe Lancaster: 'Cities, Cars, Futures'

“Today we don’t really live in a civilisation, but in a mobilisation – of natural resources, people and products". Where once cities were the cradle of civilisation they are now becoming close to producing disastrous social instabilities and contributing to environmental decline. Cities too are the nodes from which mobility emanates. The cities that are built and the urban lifestyles that these cities will foster will have enormous impact upon succeeding generations, which will go some way to deciding the long-term outlook of the global environment. Cities, as habitats, determine the mobility of lifestyles; and the modes of mobility most favourable to users will largely determine how urban areas are constructed. In this paper I examine some of the transitions around the 'modern city', from concepts of the city in modernity to alternative ideas relating to sustainability and eco-design, with a focus on how mobility in the city has been framed, organised, and experienced. The paper then examines a specific eco-city urban design project in China to analyse how this articulates ‘sustainable’ city transport mobilities for the future, and the implications this will have for re-configuring urban auto-mobilities. The paper concludes by addressing the scenario of possible ‘future mobilicities’; that is, the requirements for future mobility within a dense urbanised city environment.

4 30 Tim Dant, Sociology Dept, Lancaster University to lead discussion on the 2 papers

Chaired by Monika Buscher, CEMORE/Imagination at Lancaster/Sociology, Lancaster University

5 30 drink in bar


Turismos, patrimonios, identidades y territorios

31 octubre 2007 fecha límite entrega resumen.

Convocatoria de selección de trabajos que tengan como eje central una reflexión sobre la noción de territorio y su vinculación con el turismo, el patrimonio y la identidad. Las comunicaciones seleccionadas formarán parte del seminario Turismos, patrimonios, identidades y territorios que, desde un ámbito pluridisciplinario, pretende ampliar la percepción del concepto territorio y redefinirlo a partir de sus implicaciones en el ámbito del turismo, del desarrollo sostenible y de los procesos de reconstrucción identitaria. Se trata de investigar si hoy, cuando la movilidad afecta más que nunca al turismo, la revalorización del territorio como espacio de identificación social y espacio de desarrollo puede convertirse en fuente de conflictos o, al contrario, un progreso social y económico.

Organiza: Programa Dinámicas Interculturales de la Fundación CIDOB, Universidad de Barcelona, Université de Perpignan y Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier.

Información: Asistencia libre.


The Regional Studies Association (RSA) has established the Mediterranean and Balkan Regional Development Working Group (MedBReD), to explore regional and local development issues in peripheral areas of the European continent. We are therefore happy to announce that we accept papers on the following topic:

High expectations and real impact in the periphery of Europe

Traditionally, the third sector, and particularly the hospitality industry, has been regarded as the silver bullet with which to achieve rapid access to prosperity in less developed communities. Many strategies and plans were
drafted in the past decades, either by national overnments or the regional and local authorities, which relied on tourism as the solution of choice, especially in the Mediterranean Sea area. Officials have gone to a great
length to invest public resources and promote their natural and cultural assets in order to attract the global traveler. More recently, the admission into the EU of the relatively poorer Central and East European states has created a new wave of enthusiasm, as most local and regional governments in these countries are frantically preparing tourist-friendly development strategies.

This is probably the right time to look back and learn a number of lessons from the past decades of "growth through tourism" in the periphery of Europe. MedBred invites you to reflect on the ups and downs of such experiences and propose tentative conclusions:
- What worked, what did not work, and why?
- Can one identify different types of tourism-promotion strategies, and if yes, what was their relative economic effect at the local or regional level?
- What impact has tourism, practiced over a long period of time, had on the local culture, urban structure, land use or environment?
-What does sustainability mean in the tourism industry?
- What was the role of local and regional authorities in planning tourism-related policies and was the regulation of development effective / beneficial in the South-European regions with tourist potential?
- Can one identify best practices and worst practices in this respect?
- What role, if any, has the EU regional policy played so far?

MedBReD will be inaugurated with an initial two-day workshop.

We welcome a broad range of contributions, ranging from theory-building articles, to more policy-oriented papers, and especially case studies dealing with the questions mentioned.

In terms of geographic location, the papers submitted should focus on the broader Mediterranean, Balkan & Black Sea area, but other contributions, especially presenting situations from new EU member states, will be accepted
if relevant to the topic. We encourage particularly PhD students in the final stages of their program (for them MedBReD is able to provide a number of bursaries- see below) and young researchers at the beginning of their
career. Nevertheless, the participation is also open to all interested researchers, practitioners from public institutions or civil society organizations and
NGOs who are involved in shaping the local development agenda, in order to better integrate theory and policy.

Abstracts should be submitted to Sorin Ionita at or to Vasilis Avdikos at by 30 September 2007.

This workshop is the first in a series of three organized by the MedBReD. It will take place in the University of Cluj, Romania, at 25-27 October 2007, with the support of the Romanian Academic Society (SAR) and the Department of
Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Cluj. Paper presenters will have to arrange for their transport to Cluj, as accommodation will be provided for free by the University of Cluj.

Cluj is the former capital city of the principality of Transylvania under Habsburgs, and the largest city in the North Western Romania. By tradition a mixture of Hungarian, German and Romanian lifestyles, the vibrant local culture and intellectual life (it hosts the largest multicultural university in Central-Eastern Europe) have made from Cluj a regional concentrator of business, research and investment, as well as the natural tourist hub for those who want to visit the medieval villages and castles in the area.

Bursaries MedBReD is able to provide a number of bursaries to PhD students who participate in the workshop with a paper. The bursary will cover travel tickets and accommodation in Cluj. To apply for the bursary, PhD students should send a CV in addition to the submitted abstract. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of September.

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